Dermal Filler

Dermal Filler

LIP AUGMENTATION - To enhance the shape of the lips, to increase lip size, correct asymmetry, create protrusion, or adjust the ratio of the top and bottom lips

NASOLABIAL FOLDS FILLER - are the lines that run down from the nose to the corner of the mouth.

MARIONETTE LINES - These are lines that run from the corners of the mouth down to the chin.

TEAR TROUGH TREATMENT - To replace the lost volume under the eyes and to treat hollowness brought about through the ageing process.

JAWLINE SCULPTING- to enhance and sculpt the lower face, to give a more defined jawline to balance your profile.

CHEEK SCULPTING - to lift and sculpt the cheekbones. It’ll provide cheek volume to give the cheeks greater definition and lift.

SMOKERS' LINES - fine lines and wrinkles that occur around the mouth when we pucker our lips

With a treatment of this nature, we would always use numbing cream. This will help to alleviate any discomfort that the application of an injection may cause. This will be applied 20 minutes before the actual procedure to allow enough time for the product to take effect.

We are looking to achieve a natural effect which is flattering for our clients; we do not promote the ‘duck lips’ or ‘noticeable filler face' effect which some practitioners like to do.
Treatment Duration: 40 Minutes
Lip augmentation, nasolabial folds and marionette lines: 0.5ml:£175, 1ml:£350

Tear Trough: £300

Jawline Filler: £400

Cheek Filler: £400

Discounted packages available for more than one area

You’re not bound to 0.5 or 1ml, Pav works very naturally and will add the right amount for you! Other MLs will be quoted in clinic.
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Client Transformation

  • Do not take - (either before or after treatment) Alcohol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Nurofen or other anti-inflammatory as this may increase any bruising. There is a risk of bruising. If this does occur, it will only be temporary and can be covered with makeup after 24 hours of treatment.

  • Avoid touching any treated areas for at least 6 hours. Then the areas can be washed gently with soap and water and light make-up can be applied. If the area is tender, apply some ice covered in cloth to the treatment site.
  • Do not engage in any strenuous exercise right after the treatment.
  • Avoid the heat (hot baths, showers) and sun, as sun exposure will reduce the persistence of the product.
  • Massage the treatment site if you experience any lumpiness.
  • Do not apply any creams which contain alpha hydroxyl acids.
  • Clients taking aspirin or anti-inflammatory medication should be aware that this could increase bleeding & and bruising at the sites of injection.
  • Avoid long distance flying for 24hrs.
  • Avoid dental treatment for 24hrs.
  • We are looking to achieve a natural effect which is flattering for our clients; we do not promote the ‘duck lips’ or ‘noticeable filler face' effect which some practitioners like to do.
  • A slight top-up is needed once the final outcome is visible, post 2 weeks. Dermal fillers will dissolve slowly over time, usually lasting for around 12 – 18 months.

  • Pre Care instruction

    • Do not take - (either before or after treatment) Alcohol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Nurofen or other anti-inflammatory as this may increase any bruising. There is a risk of bruising. If this does occur, it will only be temporary and can be covered with makeup after 24 hours of treatment.

  • Aftercare Instructions

    • Avoid touching any treated areas for at least 6 hours. Then the areas can be washed gently with soap and water and light make-up can be applied. If the area is tender, apply some ice covered in cloth to the treatment site.
    • Do not engage in any strenuous exercise right after the treatment.
    • Avoid the heat (hot baths, showers) and sun, as sun exposure will reduce the persistence of the product.
    • Massage the treatment site if you experience any lumpiness.
    • Do not apply any creams which contain alpha hydroxyl acids.
    • Clients taking aspirin or anti-inflammatory medication should be aware that this could increase bleeding & and bruising at the sites of injection.
    • Avoid long distance flying for 24hrs.
    • Avoid dental treatment for 24hrs.
    • We are looking to achieve a natural effect which is flattering for our clients; we do not promote the ‘duck lips’ or ‘noticeable filler face' effect which some practitioners like to do.
    • A slight top-up is needed once the final outcome is visible, post 2 weeks. Dermal fillers will dissolve slowly over time, usually lasting for around 12 – 18 months.